Customer information & support

Order and payment options at KiDDY CAPS

Changing payment methods

Set your preferred standard payment

For each order, you can set the payment method manually clicking "CHANGE payment method". For even more convenience when ordering, you can also specify the standard payment method under "Account> Payment methods" so that your preferred method will be suggested first for all future orders.


Make an order, send the transfer, done

Sometimes the simplest solution (or an interim solution while your bank activates your 3DS process) is the classic payment by means of a bank transfer made manually. For this you will receive our bank details after your order to transfer the amount of your order with your order number as the subject.


Order now, pay later

Starting with your second order, a total value of up to 1.600 Euro can be ordered via invoice within Germany and Austria. You can place your order directly now without any inconvenience, but the separate payment of the invoice at a later point might cost you additional time.

How can we help you?

If you have any questions or problems with your order, simply click on the "Feedback" button on the right-hand side of the screen or send us a message using the contact form.

IMPORTANT: If you have problems with payment methods, please read the information below first. Unfortunately, we cannot accept orders via e-mail, contact form or telephone, but our customer service will be happy to assist you with your order through our online shop.


Try it now.

Whether individual crowns or one of our pre-assorted kits - with KiDDY CAPS, you are guaranteed to make the right choice for your practice.


Payment by credit card (currently unavailable)

Once authenticated, always convenient

Due to the new EU standard "PSD2" you have to register your credit card once for the 3D-Secure procedure. (Contact your bank for more information). Once that is done, you can pay immediately. If you save your credit card with us, then everything will run smoothly for subsequent orders and your information is kept safe.

Payment by direct debit (currently unavailable)

Maximum convenience for follow-up orders

After your first order, we offer you the most convenient solution for future orders: simple payment by direct debit. The direct debit procedure is particularly advantageous because it is exempt from renewed verification (unlike instant transfers and credit card payments) and you can order and pay even faster.

Payment by direct transfer (currently unavailable)

Everything done with just a few clicks

With Klarna "Sofortüberweisung" (Immediate Transfer) you pay for your order directly with an online transfer and save yourself valuable time and the need for any further action. (Due to the new EU standard "PSD2", you must always identify yourself with a TAN for online payments. You can obtain further information about this from your bank.)